**** Hey, B.E.L.L.A's,
This site is currently undergoing some change & upgrades. We ask that you be patient with us as we create something incredible and infuse your experience here with new energy & life! Take a look around for what we have available to offer you now, and continue to come back for updates for what we are creating!
And Please, feel free to reach out to us, if you need guidance or have questions we can answer.
Thank you so very much.
May this beautiful Total eclipse, New Moon in Aries infuse you with the passionate, determined, motivational, and transformative energy of NEWNESS!
May your month of February be filled with nothing but Abundance!
Love, NElise

Hello, BELLA's
Beauty, Esotericism, Love, Luxury, & Ascension
The access to your most orgasmic & magical life begins here....
Love is who you are. Ecstasy is what you deserve.
Featured Message
Get You Someone Faithful
(In all my broken english lmao)
With these heavy energies in the world right now, support and faith is your greatest allie. It's normal to fall into hopelessness, confusion, and feeling lost. But you CAN NOT stay there. It's time to realize you are not in this life alone.

Meet NElise
Alchemist. Healer. Intuitive, Emotional Support Coach.
Designer. Author & Speaker. Doula & Mom Boss
I Am a Creator.
I Am NElise, and I want to share some certain truths about being connected to me.
I Am going to change your life. Period. Even if you think your life doesn't need changing, it will. I activate parts of your mind, heart, and soul that you're not even aware of, but God is. I'm used by God & Spirit to Be a vessel of activation in people's lives, & it either results in exodus or the breakthrough of your most incredible Self.
This journey isn't for the faint of heart or the stagnant, settled, & boring. This journey is for the hungry- the passionate- those who believe in MORE & desire every drop of magic this life can offer you.
If you're not ready to elevate, transform, grow, learn to LOVE & be loved, manifest, and crack open your heart & soul in ways you didn't even know existed within you, I'm not the one you want to see.
Like it or love it, my mantle in life is love- through the awakening of our spirit & connection to The Spirit. Why? So this life you live can be amplified, magnified, and filled with the beauty, magic, luxury, & juicy glory that you deserve to experience. Especially in your personal relationships & ability to connect to the orgasmic energy of Your life.
Through my connection with Spirit, I am going the introduce you to the depths of your soul & heart's capacity to craft & co- create the exact life you want to live.
I AM your friend, your coach, your cheerleader, and your shoulder to lean on. I am your sacred space to BE- & as with any Great relationship, I won't tolerate any excuses for you being less than extraordinary so be prepared to SHOW UP fully for yourself.
As your coach, I'll ride with you until the wheels fall off & then we'll upgrade to the next luxury vehicle lol...
This journey is so much more fun with partnership & support.
Let's go together...
Love, NElise
Weekly Love Note
What is one thing you've been told you don't NEED but at your CORE you know that you do?
One thing, I've learned through my journey is NO ONE really knows what another person truly needs in their life to be happy, to thrive, to have their nervous system, and their mental health in optimum condition. We have been taught "needing" is a weakness, and the only thing we need is ourselves- and maybe God. BUT if that were true, why would we be hard wired to desire connection- and why would so many people be on the planet? And why would something deep within our psyche never stop nagging u to desire "MORE?"
It's time to embrace your absolute NEED to thrive, live, and have what you've been told or told yourself "you don't need...."
Social Media Videos

Confessions with God
I mean, because, we all need to tell the truth and know we are still loved by God and Spirit. I'm the most dramatic person I know, so if God loves me, I know he loves the world...just take the time to laugh a little. It's all going to be ok.
Take my channels with Spirit as an example.
From My Blog
I'm a firm believer that no matter the life you've lived, there is magic in your journey. That every experience you've overcome in your life is a Divine Testimony. I love to share my stories & hear yours so that you have a relatable voice reminding you you're never alone.
In my blogs, you will find a mixed bag of magic from my personal life lessons with spirit, channeled messaged from My Spirit Family, & Q&A's from those of you who email me!
Enjoy. XOXO.


2 day one on one spiritual Intensive with NElise.
June 2-4, 2021. I was in desperate need of a spiritual retreat given the emotional challenges, endings, and new beginnings of this past year. My goal for this retreat was to get a spiritual “glow up”. A renewal of my relationship to self and spirit. What I got went beyond my expectations. First, the setting was perfect and quirky like me. It was a property tucked within a woodsy area. It also was a dome house with lots of character and good energy. Each day was planned with my ease and comfort being a priority. The whole experience left me with deeper compassion for myself and those with whom I love. My spiritual gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudiance, channeling and working with energy were awakened. It was two days of multiple manifestations. Nelise put me through exercises that taught me how I can manifest abundance in every area of my life. Plus, I was treated like royalty. It’s hard to put into words how all of my senses were engaged. Nelise met me where I am. She then guided me, challenged me, and encouraged me. The last day was spent on Bell Rock in Sedona AZ. It’s an energy vortex that raises the vibration. There, with Nelise coaching me, I made two videos to launch a new business. Now, it’s up to me to continue the work I started. I cannot wait to do another retreat."
Pamela Scott
Phoenix, Arizona

"NElise is a great life coach. I loved that she prays at the beginning and end of each session. I also loved how she incorporated our Heavenly Father in my healing.
We are a military family stationed in England and she was able to provide coaching for me via Skype. I am VERY thankful she emailed me notes from our session to study and review because I can only retain so much information in an hour. NElise is professional and kind and REALLY cares about you and your success.
She's not all about the money, she's all about healing with the words/wisdom from our Heavenly Father and love!!! Thank you for being a light in my dark times of adjusting to a new country and the dark depressing weather here in England.
NElise is the only person in 25 years of me going to a counselor to help me. I highly suggest her counseling services. She used God in my counseling sessions and I truly believe this is what helped me. I had seen NUMEROUS counselors and NONE of them helped me. If you're in need of life coaching you won't be sorry if you use NElise."
Wendy Hughes, London UK

"NElise is the real-deal. NElise ended up in my life in such a serendipitous way, the fact that she even showed up how she did, was a sign. Having NElise on my side has been a true blessing, she has not only assisted me with my business, my relationships, and my life, but also with reminding me to connect to my joy and passion. She's a cheerleader, and the coach. She not only confirmed and affirmed many of the thoughts and feelings I had been toiling with for a while, but she helped point out the roots of those thoughts and feelings. I was aware of the effect, but not the cause. Her expertise when it comes to relationships, and her intuition, is just spot-on; it's her true gift. I'm not sure how, why, or where her answers come from, but she truly has the gift to not only be dialed into me, but to be dialed into an outside energy, to which she becomes the messenger. Truly a pleasure. NElise will confirm your suspicions, she will assist you with releasing your fears, she can bring you clarity, peace, and assist you with recognizing your strengths. She definitely over-delivered and gave me more than I was expecting, and her ability to connect, guide, coach, and "deliver the goods" all from a place of love, is what makes her unique and a joy to be coached by. I felt that curious itch to work with her, and now that I've done so, I know why I was curious."
~ Jonah"
Jonah Lavitt
Newport Beach, CA