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Discover the power of you


In the world of God and spirit, we are all one. We are sent to love, honor, respect, and teach. To be for each other, as God is for us. Here, you are invited in as friends and loved as family. . .Unconditionally accepted for all that you are and all that you're "not". 

Love, NElise




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Hand Of God… New beginnings

Hand Of God… New beginnings

“'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” — Jeremiah 29:11. You never know what God has in store for you and how the whole Universe uses everything for your good. Spirit moves you along the path even when you don’t know it. Believe it or not, we all came here with a mission to complete. In the last several months I was tested with what I deemed to be “beyond my limits.” But God knew my limits where much greater than I knew. In the midst of everything, I was so angry (aka heartbroken). Especially with God, again. Why me? Why this? Am I living in the Twilight Zone? Things really go from seemingly great, to Hell… But Things I thought were a setback, ended up being a step up… In all the ways that mattered the most to my soul, Deeper levels of my soul than I had ever been in touch with since my whole spiritual journey began over 10 years ago. There was a huge, explosive ending and a Silent grand beginning. Ties that needed to be broken were… the type of break that you think can never be repaired and only leave your heart in a place of devastation and shredding… but the heart of God, and the ABSOLUTE. INFINITE love of God ensured that broken ties didn’t have to mean severed relationships. The shredding I felt wasn’t a shredding, but a Shedding. The letting go of the old to enter a new paradigm. For ME. For what matters most to ME from the deepest level of my soul, that my consciousness couldn’t have known or reached without these unfolding’s… And it was NOT in alignment with what I would have chosen to experience to get me to the understanding of the purpose. Hindsight is 20/20… When you look back- come through the tunnel of pain, change, and sit with clarity, you learn what may have been intended to kill you, knock you off your path, do you under, and break your faith and relationship with the only world you’ve ever known…was for a purpose. You realize the love of God and this infinite universe that has our back has birthed a new world for you. One that is based on the truest values of our heart, that we may have lost sight of somewhere on the journey. In the past few months, I went through a spiritual war and a physical feeling of breaking I thought would kill the heart and spirit I somewhere always feared to lose. Looking back, I realize even when my worse fear came to life, Who I AM, the spirit I have, and the God that loves me, was SO much stronger than my fear…Looking back, it strengthened the heart and spirit I had, and renewed the way I executed my intentions back to a more authentic, healthy, and genuine way. And brought me home so much closer to the spirit and God then I’d been since I was a child and the universe and all her realms was my playground and happy place. The focus was me. To love me. Restore me. Value me. Before anything and anyone. Rediscovering MY WAY after experiencing the fears that kept me from trying. No matter where you are on your journey, no matter what moment you are experiencing… every moment of it the ups and downs, pain and joys…If you piece the pictures of your life together, you will realize how magical you truly are and how incredible your whole life is unfolding for you. Love, NElise🩷💋
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